I need something....I think

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I could really use some help. I've been stuck in a perpetual state of Blah for almost a week now. The time off was relaxing at first, but now it's just boring. I have nothing to do at home ( there are only so many time you can scrub the crap out of your own house), no job to go to, no school, just nothing, and that's what I feel like lately, nothing. to make matters worse, over the last few years I have been pushing people out of my life, and now that I could really use a friend I've no one to turn to. It gets really lonely being the only one at home all day. Nights are not much better, the rookies come home and we hang out for a bit and then it's back to being alone. I have a bf, but he usually out with the boys for the night or in his "man cave" (aka the den) playing computer games. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the alone time, but I'm just not interesting enough to hold my own attention lol. I guess I just need something to turn my focus on, the only problem with that is nothing interest me or can hold my interest for longer than a few days. I am a restless wreck. I don't know what to do, or if I can even do it. Any advise is more than welcome